
Showing posts from August, 2021

Exposed to COVID? Here's a guide about when to get tested?

  If you feel you are exposed to a novel coronavirus, the first reaction will be terrifying; you might be in a rush to get tested at once. You might want to skip every part of your routine, leave all the tasks behind, and get yourself tested. But a lot of people have dilemmas that if they get tested too soon will the virus get detected? Are there any chances that they might test negative initially but later patients might be positive? And if the patient waits for a long time to get tested, the patient's health deteriorates and there are greater risks involved too. When is the right time to take a test for COVID-19?   Depending on the individual, the symptoms take time to develop and everybody might not be able to detect them in earlier stages. A negative early test may give you a false sense of security as you would start shedding the virus later on. So ideally, if a patient wants to get tested at an early stage, they can take up one test, and if it's negative - just t...


The world is still under fear and dilemma whether they have to face the third way of Covid-19 or things will get normal soon? Google is flooded with numerous questions and queries about the novel coronavirus, struggling to find the answers and address their concerns. People are adjusting to a new normal and trying to spend the majority of the time by either staying at home or even if they move out they are advised to take enough precautions. But besides the safety concerns and mandatory precautions. People are also concerned about the testing process, a lot of people feel anxious about the thought of getting tested. There is an unsaid fear of going to the laboratory, and giving the samples for covid testing. There are many unanswered questions. For example, if a patient is having symptoms and he goes out for testing, there are chances that he spreads the virus to many people around him. So, ideally what should be done? How to get tested for COVID-19 without getting out of home?...

5 quick precautionary tips to fight against Covid-19

  The fight is not over yet... The world has witnessed a global pandemic that turned life into a roller coaster. With more than 195,651,746 cases across the globe, coronavirus brought some unexpected troubles on the platter. Not moving out of the house, struggling for food, fighting with the virus... all these almost made the lives of people a battle - a battle for life. Keeping all the stressful facts aside, let's focus on some precautionary measures that can create a kind of safety wall and help us combat coronavirus. So, here are a few precautions that shall now be part of everyone's routine - like they say; new Normal! 1. Get Vaccinated! Don't treat vaccines as an option. Vaccination is the way to combat the virus. Register yourself and get vaccinated. Read all the guidelines about vaccination and do it as early as possible. 2. Use sanitizer frequently: Using sanitizer frequently will cause no harm; instead, it will help to maintain hygiene. Wash hands properly with so...


  Bags Packed, Luggage checked, Travel Itenary listed - all set to go for a holiday? All set for traveling? But Wait, No! In the post-covid era, the word 'traveling' might seem like a dream come true, isn't it? If you are traveling in the covid era, you are planning to make the most out of it as you might be traveling after almost a year or two! Well, traveling nowadays comes with some terms and conditions. You need to know certain things and guidelines about traveling.  Whether it is an international trip or an interstate trip, regulations are mandatory to follow. Besides regulation; one must also take care of the safety precautions. In the post covid era, the entire experience of traveling will be different. Gone are the days wherein one used to think of traveling and travel without any second thoughts.  Nowadays, traveling requires a pre-planned itinerary and things to keep in mind. Irrespective of the mode of traveling you need to be careful and keep certa...