Bags Packed, Luggage checked, Travel Itenary listed - all set to go for a holiday?

All set for traveling?

But Wait, No!

In the post-covid era, the word 'traveling' might seem like a dream come true, isn't it?

If you are traveling in the covid era, you are planning to make the most out of it as you might be traveling after almost a year or two!

Well, traveling nowadays comes with some terms and conditions. You need to know certain things and guidelines about traveling.  Whether it is an international trip or an interstate trip, regulations are mandatory to follow. Besides regulation; one must also take care of the safety precautions. In the post covid era, the entire experience of traveling will be different.

Gone are the days wherein one used to think of traveling and travel without any second thoughts.  Nowadays, traveling requires a pre-planned itinerary and things to keep in mind. Irrespective of the mode of traveling you need to be careful and keep certain points in mind so that you can reduce the chances of getting infected or at least keep yourself safe during traveling.

To make the journey easy for you we have listed few points that every travel enthusiast should keep in mind to have a happy and safe journey;

Covid Test for Travel:

Yes, it is a must to carry Covid Negative test results. So as soon as you plan a trip, you must also schedule an appointment for doing a covid test. Covid Test for Travel is as important as your tickets, without it you will not be able to do any kind of journey.

The best and most preferred way to do a covid test for travel is to book an appointment and ask the team to come home - collect samples and send the reports on your phone. Reports on phones are easy to carry and show. Also, when you opt for doing the covid test from home, you can save time and utilize all the time for packing and planning!

Tip: Only rely on trusted resources to conduct Covid tests for travel. If you randomly give samples to some laboratory there are chances that reports might not come on time and it will be a serious problem.

Wear Double Mask:

Don't underestimate the power of the mask. Masks can help you create a secured layer and prevent the virus from entering the body. Wear double masks for a better layer of protection. Don't remove your masks in public places or anywhere unless you are required to do so.

Masks are compulsory at almost all places, keep regulations in mind. Breaking protocols while traveling can be harmful and put you in difficult situations.

Carry necessary reports & certificates:

While traveling you should carry vaccination certificates, certificates of all the doses of vaccinations must be kept handy. Also if you have done Rapid antigen or RTPRC or any other covid test for travel carry all that also. Covid test for travel has certain validity so beyond that time frame it will be considered expired. Therefore you must carry the updated Covid test for travel reports.

To know the validity time please refer to the official website of the government.

Inventory List is Important:

Since you are traveling in post covid era, it is important to prepare a list of important things you need to carry like;


Ready to Eat food,


Snacks and other stuff that you require.

In current times where some states are still observing partial lockdown, you might not get everything handy and easy. Shops might be closed; you might struggle to purchase things from your travel destination.

So on the safer side, one must carry all the necessary and important things along with oneself!

Traveling in current times might not be full of ease but if you are taking a break or have decided to take a break keep all the safety measures in mind, follow all the rules, don't forget to do the Covid test for travel, and Stay Safe.

Bon Voyage!


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