Planning a wedding in the covid era? Here are 5 things to keep in mind!

Wedding bells are tingling! Happy Moments on the way!

Planning weddings during the covid era have been an entirely different experience. There is a list of things that needs to be taken care of.  Weddings before the corona pandemic and after the covid pandemic are both distinct; both have an entirely different experience. Things in the covid era are much on the protective side, more about taking enough precautions.

If you are planning to get married soon, you need to keep certain things in mind. Precautions are required and mandatory otherwise your dream wedding can be at a stake. To make your wedding happen at a perfect pace and in an uninterrupted way, it is advisable to prepare a wedding checklist that is formed keeping covid scenes in mind.

First thing first, get yourself tested before starting any rituals. It is extremely important to get your self-test, and also your to-be spouse should be tested. In this way, you can ensure the safety of each other. Obviously, you don't want anyone else getting infected because of you or your health to deteriorate ahead of your wedding.

If you are too occupied with all the wedding preparations, the easiest way to get tested is to contact Medcare Diagnostics, they have a team who offers covid testing at home. The team will come to your home on the date and time decided by you and then you can give a sample for the RT PCR test. This way your time will be saved and you can get accurate results without moving out of your home. Medcare Diagnostics are functional in many areas but they are especially more active for covid test in Brampton & covid test in Niagara.

The second thing, get your near ones tested. Yes, people think that it is not required but it is very important. The bride and groom will be majorly in touch with the family members. To avoid any kind of transition risk, you should ask your family members to get tested. As you know covid test in Brampton and covid test in Niagara are extremely convenient as you can book an appointment for testing and get things done from the comfort of your home.

The third is to keep your mask on. Even if you know that everyone around you is negative, still keep the mask on. Sometimes it happens that symptoms take more than usual time to develop or initially the report is negative but a person might be covid positive. So keep the mask on! Don't take it lightly; a mask can save you from many unwanted troubles. Also, it reduces the risk of getting contracted by the virus. So all and all, the mask is mandatory!

Fourth thing is to prefer getting vaccinated before the wedding. Try to select a wedding date in such a month or time frame which gives you enough time to get vaccinated by both doses. If you are vaccinated the threat of getting contracted by the virus reduces to a great extent. Also, prefer inviting those people to the wedding who have taken both or at least one dose of vaccine. It may sound weird but that is the safest option. There are couples who got married and the next day they were covid positive so their honeymoon period became a quarantine period. So to avoid such stuff, prefer to get vaccinated before the wedding. 


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